Community Service


Tips on Working Out Issues in the Family

No family is perfect, and every family has its share of issues. How those issues are worked out can make or break the family unit. Families have many options when it comes to working out their problems. They can communicate, seek outside help, or try a variety of other methods. What works for one family

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moving into new house

Things to Consider Before Finally Moving into the New House

We have all been there. You have finally found the home of your dreams, and now you are about to move into it. The house is perfect for you in every way, but what if something goes wrong? What if someone breaks into your home while you are away on vacation? What if somebody sets

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father and children praying

Raising a Child of God: How to Nurture Their Spirituality

Marriage is a wonderful thing, more so if you fulfill your dream of having children. But happy ever after doesn’t work for every couple. Sometimes, couples turn to a divorce law firm to resolve their problems and irrevocable differences. But that doesn’t mean they stop being parents to their children. Raising them to become responsible

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Employees clapping

What Corporate Social Responsibility Means for Employees

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a way for companies to constitute a positive change in communities through their policies. Aside from the employment they provide and the levies they pay, CSR is the extra but necessary step they take to ensure the welfare of others, including their employees. Some might consider CSR to be just

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support group

Fostering Intergenerational Connections in Your Community

The US population has a considerable disparity in age, making the older generations much more alienated from the modern world. There are now more than 40 million people in the US who are 65 and older. These people are having a hard time grasping the world’s changes, and many are scared that they will fade

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working at night

How Night Shift Workers Can Better Take Care of Their Health

People have heard about eight hours being the healthy amount of sleep a person should have. This sounds like a normalized habit passed down to generations, but there’s scientific reasoning behind this. Like any other living organism, humans have a circadian rhythm or an around-the-clock physical, mental, and behavioral pattern they follow. It is based

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happy family

Building a Happier and Stronger Family

We all want our families to be happy and healthy. In times of trouble, we run to our family members for support and for that much-needed boost of encouragement. Naturally, we want the best for them. With the ongoing crisis and beyond, people have placed more value in taking care of their loved ones. They

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woman having vaccination

Herd Immunity: How to Convince Communities to Take the Jab

The United States has seen the number of cases go down from the peak of over 400,000 in January 2021 to less than 20,000 a day by June. It is an incredible achievement driven largely by the rapid and wide distribution of vaccines against COVID-19. However, recently, experts, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, warned that the

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golfing concept

Enjoying the Outdoors During the Pandemic: What to Remember

Let’s face it; much of the pandemic has made it harder for us to various activities. Whether it’s going to the supermarket to buy groceries, going to the gym to sweat it out, or simply taking in the views outdoors, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed a myriad of things in our lives. In most cases,

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signature concept

Create Positive Change in Your Community Through These Acts

Staying true to the phrase, ‘no man is an island’ and ‘it takes a community to raise a child’ are present events that are happening in big and small communities. Because of the pandemic, various kinds of heroic acts have surfaced with the common goal of helping those in need during these troubled times. Communities

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