Raising a Child of God: How to Nurture Their Spirituality

Marriage is a wonderful thing, more so if you fulfill your dream of having children. But happy ever after doesn’t work for every couple. Sometimes, couples turn to a divorce law firm to resolve their problems and irrevocable differences. But that doesn’t mean they stop being parents to their children. Raising them to become responsible citizens and children of God is still their biggest mission.     Throughout history, each generation has left behind traditions, tales, and values that it wishes to pass on to the upcoming one. This is especially true for the spiritual values associated with our faith.

Spirituality comes easily to the majority of children. They sense a link with other living things and creatures at an early age. They have no problem believing and accepting the things they cannot see, and they are fascinated by the concept of God and religious beliefs. Most children find it amusing to say a prayer before meals, while some are curious to guess if your beloved pooch would go to paradise when it passes.

Faith is a black-and-white issue for several parents.

You might be a Catholic, a Born Again Christian, or belong to any other religious affiliation. However, regardless of your faith, you must think about your children’s spiritual values—and express them in a manner that makes sense. For instance, do you consider God to be an almighty entity who directs every occurrence in our lives, or do you consider Him to be a distant observer who watches us from afar?

Give your kids a feeling of tradition so that they will be able to make their own decisions regarding their own religious views later on.

Setting yourself as an example.

In other words, you need to practice what you preach. So whether you intend to have your children attend Bible classes or let them listen to a private mass at church regularly with the family, make sure that you walk the talk.

While it is vital to teaching kindness towards others, do not simply say, “God says you have to show people compassion.” Instead, put your words into action by giving food or clothes to the poor, or stop cursing and gossiping false things about your neighbor. Children learn by watching you, so let your kids witness you doing what you teach for them to understand better and pick up the concept.

mother ang child hugging

Encouraging them to build connections with others

Even though religion is a complex topic, it is not appropriate to discuss those things with your preschooler yet. Rather than that, motivate her to discover her spirituality by playing and socializing with friends, cousins, or even pets.

You can also do this by asking your toddler to describe what they think paradise looks like and then let her paint an image of it. Then, watch an age-appropriate show based on the spiritual and moral narrative. Every morning, you can also put on some religious musicals and sing with them together as you do chores or play with their toys. Alternatively, create your own prayer praising God for a lovely sunset or a sumptuous dinner.

Find suitable techniques for helping your youngster make religious stories meaningful.

Enlist them in summer camps

If you are thinking about sending your child to summer youth camps, consider selecting a good fit for their personality and the ideals and fundamental values you want them to be exposed to. For example, maybe your children have never experienced significant time away from you other than to attend school, or perhaps have a specific set of interests in which you are concerned that they might feel left out at camp.

If they like animals and outdoor activities, look into ranch camps nearby or talk with other moms, families, and friends who have had experienced enlisting their children with one. The benefit of these camps is that they provide children with the opportunity to exercise their own judgment and foster compassion and empathy. When it comes to getting a job done or following instructions, they can be rather inventive and inquisitive.

Summer camps are beneficial for all children regardless of how unique each one is. It is also a great place to start exploring their passions as camps help them develop vital social-emotional skills together with their psychological, spiritual, and cognitive abilities.

Above all, you have to be receptive to the ideas of your child. All religions rely to some extent on the capacity to visualize the future. That is why, even though their ideas are a bit too much, you should listen politely to your children’s religious views. For example, if she thinks that God’s anger is causing thunder simply because you forgot to say your grace for dinner, acknowledge their feelings and thoughts

Validating your little one’s perceptions will increase their self-confidence and help foster spirituality in the process. After all, if you’re not paying close attention to their thoughts, how can they possibly imagine that God is listening to theirs, too?

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