Edu & Career

parental support

Teaching Your Kid the Essential Life Skills: Where to Start

Parenting is crucial in shaping children into successful, responsible adults by teaching vital life skills. Social skills are fundamental for emotional health, academic success, and effective interaction with others. Personal skills like driving, cooking, self-learning, and time management ensure self-reliance and survival in independent living. Survival skills like first aid, navigation, and outdoor survival skills equip children to

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Broadening Your Knowledge in IT When Building a Career in Southeast Asia

Pursuing advanced studies such as a Master’s in IT and participating in internships or research projects can enhance career prospects. It is vital to engage in practical IT learning activities like webinars, coding boot camps, and keeping updated with various coding languages. Regularly reading IT publications and obtaining industry-recognized certifications can increase employability and credibility in the

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dad teaching daughter

What Parents Should Consider for a Child’s Education

Parental involvement is critical for academic success and future educational opportunities for a child. Begin saving early, make smart financial decisions, and take advantage of tax credits and benefits to save money for tuition. Research other options like scholarships and grants to alleviate costs associated with higher education. Identify the ideal school for your child

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top down view of neighborhood with cul de sac

6 Low-Cost Countries to Raise a Family

Thailand offers an excellent environment for families. The Philippines is an affordable destination in Southeast Asia with plenty of opportunities to work. Indonesia is another low-cost option, offering healthcare, education, and daily expenses at a lower cost. Mexico is a warm and sunny country that can offer plenty of cultural experiences for your family. Costa

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man teaching the woman

2023 Most In-Demand Skills: Learn the Skills Companies Need Most

Data analysis and visualization are some of the most sought-after skills that will become even more valuable by 2023. Digital marketing is essential for businesses to promote their products and services and requires proficiency in various marketing strategies. UX design combines user research, design thinking, visual design, interaction design, psychology, and usability. Cybersecurity is another

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An image of an orphanage structure

Enhancing the Visual Appeal of Orphanages: Tips and Ideas

Put up visible signage to draw attention and improve understanding of the orphanage’s mission. Plant trees and other plants for added beauty and provide shade for the buildings and install outdoor seating areas. Add decorative lighting around the property’s perimeter for security and to make it inviting at night. Paint the building in a bright,

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Sad woman

Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Separation

Separation is a complex process that can be highly emotional, but it’s important to remember that you are not alone. Understanding your emotions and allowing yourself to feel them without judgment or shame is the first step toward healing. Practicing self-care activities like exercise and connecting with loved ones can help cope during this challenging

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people in corporate attire

What Makes a Business Socially Responsible?

Reduce carbon footprints by switching to renewable energy sources such as solar or wind and investing in green technology. Participate in fairtrade to ensure ethical sourcing. Invest in local communities by providing job opportunities, supporting educational initiatives and programs, and dedicating charitable donations. Ensure legal responsibility by working with reputable business law firms and accounting

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man thinking about buying a house

How to Know if Buying a House is Right for Your Family

One of the most significant decisions you will make is whether or not to buy a house. For many people, buying a home is a rite of passage—a key milestone in adulthood. It’s also a significant financial investment. So, how do you know if buying a house is the right choice for you and your

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family driving

Ensuring the Safety of Your Family While on the Road

Your family’s safety should be your top priority when you’re on the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for children and young adults in the United States. But there are several things you can do to make sure they’re as safe as possible. Here

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