Thrive in the Lucrative Cottage Food Sector with Conscious Product Presentation

If you have a fantastic family recipe that makes people swoon and drool, the American cottage food industry is beckoning.

In a measure to improve their health and well-being, Americans are making radical dietary changes. They’re ditching unhealthy foods and beverages in favor of healthier options from small independent brands.

In turn, healthier eating habits have created a thriving cottage food industry that has grown fourfold in less than a decade.

The growing health craze saw the cottage food industry top the $20 billion mark in 2019. Now every food enthusiast can share their healthy treats with the rest of the country.

If you’re keen on getting a slice of this pie, you should address two packaging issues right off the bat.

Create a Great First Impression

With the internet giving everyone a voice, cottage companies must tread carefully. A slew of negative reviews can have your budding company dead in the water.

If you’re presenting your product in translucent or transparent containers, you will do well to fill each of them to the same level. See, a row of bottled beverages filled to the same level makes a powerful statement.

It proclaims that the company has excellent quality control and attests to your professionalism. Your target market is likely to appreciate such small details. And it gives them the confidence to try out your products.

Procuring a small liquid filling machine can help you achieve this feat. Such a unit lets you fill each bottle to the same level. An automatic filling unit also speeds up your production process.

On the other hand, if using odd-shaped containers, consider getting a volumetric filling machine. Such a unit delivers a precise amount of beverage into each bottle.

While the levels differ in the containers, the volume remains the same when poured out.


Pick the Right Packaging Material

Safety, durability, and overall design are some top concerns when picking food packaging containers. The best boxes keep your product safe and fresh.

Safeguarding your customers’ health is crucial as it helps to build your brand and grow your sales.

For an added advantage, ensure the containers are reusable or recyclable.

Recyclable and reusable containers will not only help to safeguard the environment but also boost your sales.

For starters, it’ll grow your customer base. You’ll have people who like your product because they come in reusable containers. You can also target the environmentally-conscious crowd.

Such specialized shoppers will gladly pay premium prices for your products.

Durable, branded reusable food containers also serve as brand ambassadors. As the customer reuses the container, it reminds them of your company and brand. Keeping your brand back of your customers’ mind, increase the likelihood of buying again.

While the American cottage industry in on the upswing, the competition remains fierce. More than having a delicious and healthy food product, you need every advantage you can harness.

Giving a little more thought to your product presentation and production process can give you an edge. It can endear your food products to the target market, which is crucial to growing your sales.

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