There’s no denying that the outbreak of covid-19 changed education forever as it forced all schools worldwide to transition onto an online framework, regardless of relative preparedness or if they even had the infrastructure to support it. And while many will argue that online education has long been a rising trend, we can’t forget that the vast majority of educational institutions offer minimal blended learning modalities at most.
Furthermore, despite the relentless efforts of pushing vaccination programs and jump-starting overall economic recovery, we are still a long way away from reaching a pivotal point that would signal the full reopening of school doors. So to answer the emerging challenges and hurdles that will become of online education in 2021, we firmly believe that parents should take the initiative to help their children navigate through the difficulties of today’s online classroom.
#1 Value Good Time Management
Let’s face it; both adults and kids alike are guilty of not having the best time management skills when the entire world went into lockdown. It was such a sudden shift in everyday activities that nobody had the chance to internalize the disruptive changes or properly adapt to the way of life needed in the new normal. However, it’s a massive understatement to say that we’ve been through the thick of it, and owing to all our experiences and lessons of 2020, we must teach our kids to value their time.
Prioritize Schoolwork:
Effective online elementary education programs always offer a blend of modules and face-to-face classes to cater to the holistic needs of students. However, student autonomy is quite difficult to build and grow at an early age, so we recommend teaching your child to prioritize their schoolwork first. It might take some time, especially when dealing with their least favorite subjects, but it will encourage responsibility.
Offset With Playtime:
Even adults subscribe to the thought bubble of work hard, play hard, and kids deserve their opportunities to have fun and play games. So, an excellent way to incorporate playtime with overall time management is through offsetting any difficult classwork with a bit of entertainment. From short breaks between classes to watching a movie with the family, ensure that class activities do not consume them.
#2 A Good Meal For A Good Student

Nobody can think straight on an empty stomach, and that goes double for a child who still has a lot of years ahead of him and plenty of growing to do. Sadly, we’ve seen far too many households follow the trend of ordering their food, and while that is easy and accessible, it lacks the touch of any home-cooked meals. Therefore, we strongly recommend preparing your own meals because it’s way healthier and a lot more affordable in the long term.
Brain Food Is The Best:
Children love to snack, and it’s pretty much unavoidable for toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary students to not chew on something to keep their brains supercharged. But avoid the typical chips, cookies, and junk food that they celebrate with and instead replace it with brain food. Berries, fruits, nuts, and dark chocolate are some great examples of food that encourage brain activity.
#3 Always Hear Them Out
Last but not least, if there’s one thing a parent must be, then it’s their child’s unwavering support in times of hardship and struggle. We know too well about the toll too much stress and isolation have on an individual’s mental health, and that goes extra for a child who has yet to learn any effective ways of coping and understanding tough challenges. You should always be there for your kid to hear them out and guide them through their emotions.
Encourage Social Connection:
Although there’s plenty a parent can do to help their child handle the stress, such as offering a helping hand or giving them timeless advice, a parent won’t ever replace the comfort of a best friend their age. And knowing that connecting with people is quite difficult given that we should put our health and safety first, you must find alternative methods of encouraging social connection. Plus, the least you can do is talk to them often and teach them values so that they can reciprocate the same good attitude with other kids.
Online Class Should Be Fun And Engaging
Overall, we firmly believe that online classes should be fun and engaging, and while hiccups are bound to happen along the way, there’s plenty a parent can do to mitigate the risks and impact of a stressful school year. So, take the advice above to heart, adjust it whichever way you seem fit, and feel free to share this with other parents who need a little help with navigating the online classroom.